Count on EMC®


EMC’s mission is to grow profitably through partnership with independent insurance agents and to enhance the ability of our partners to deliver quality financial protection to the people and businesses we mutually serve.


Our Promise

Our brand promise—Count on EMC—represents the core values upon which EMC Insurance Companies has built its reputation. Since 1911, policyholders, agents and employees have come to Count on EMC for comprehensive protection, superior service and financial security.


Guiding Beliefs

Guiding beliefs are fundamental values and principles that shape and direct the way we work at EMC. Keeping these beliefs in mind while working with fellow employees, agents and policyholders enables us to fulfill our company mission. We are counting on all EMC employees to exercise these principles in their daily work.


Honesty and Integrity
Honesty is the bedrock of all our relationships. We say what needs to be said, when it needs to be said, despite how difficult or unpopular this may be. If we make a mistake, we own up to it and expect others to do likewise. In this way, we can quickly move toward solving problems, not finger pointing. Integrity means we will do the right thing—always. Our agents, policyholders and fellow employees expect nothing less.


Service is each employee’s job at EMC. We must all take personal responsibility for addressing fellow employee, agent and policyholder concerns and questions, and for solving their problems. We must prove ourselves every day.


Collaboration is the key to our team-oriented workplace. By sharing ideas, seeking input from coworkers, agents, policyholders and others, EMC employees seek win-win solutions. This collaboration must extend beyond our individual work areas to integrate unit, department and branch operations.


Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement is the relentless pursuit of excellence. All of us at EMC must continually look for ways to improve what we do and how we do it. By evaluating past performance, setting challenging goals and searching for new opportunities, we are always making improvements at EMC.

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